The BAJAJ CONEAGLE EagleMax Series 9120 Extractor/Feeder
…. can process and feed seed cotton at proven rates of 25 bales per hour.
Designed for improved fine trash removal and enhanced single locking. This EagleMax Extractor/Feeder has shown superb test results in all areas of its application. The Model 9120 is the result of an extensive research and development program and on-site testing.
A touch screen control panel. mounted on the feeder, controls feeder load or ginning rate and may also be operated from the master console. This control display contains status of ginning operation. An AC inverter drives the 3/4hp feed motor for ease of control and operation. A touch screen dual set point controls capacity of ginning through current load on the gin motor. The gin and feeder operations are synchronized to prevent over feeding or under feeding. Motion detctors on the feeder and lint cleaner automatically stop the ginning operation if the cation flow is interrupted. The standard drive for the Model 9120 is a 25 hp, motor*.
The Model 9000 Golden Eagle Extractor/Feeder
Designed for improved fine trash removal and enhanced single locking. This Golden Eagle feeder has shown superb test results in all areas of its application. The Model 9000 is the result of an extensive research and development program and on-site testing.
A push-button control panel, mounted on the feeder, controls feeder load or ginning rate and may also be operated from the master console. This panel contains eight annuciator lights for indicating status of the ginning operation. An AC inverter drives the 3/4 hp feed motor for ease of control and operations. A dual set point meter controls capacity of ginning through current load on the gin motor. The gin and feeder operations are synchronized to prevent over feeding or under feeding. Motion detectors on the feeder and lint cleaner automatically stop the ginning operation if the cotton flow is interrupted. The standard drive for the Model 9000 is a 15 hp, 1800 rpm motor*.
As seed cotton enters the Model 9120 Extractor! Feeder, it is first exposed to four spiked cleaning cylinders. The cotton passes over the top of the cylinders and is conveyed between the cylinders and inclined grid bar section. This action allows improved fine trash removal and single locking of the seed cotton. These four spiked cleaning cylinders are the same type cylinders used in our 120″ (3048mm) Impact Cleaner.
Once through the inclined grid section, seed cotton is carried to four 161/2″ (419mm) channel saw cylinders, one of which functions as a reclaimer. the flow of cotton through the tested combinations of brushes, control bars and grid sections allows for excellent hull, stick and additional fine trash removal and further enhances the opening of seed cotton locks for improved ginnlng. Two doffing cylinders transfer the seed cotton from cleaning cylinders to the feeder apron.
Lockable, hinged Metal Covers with viewing windows provide a clean design while allowing access to drives, bearings and adjustment points. The covers need only be opened, not completely removed, for repairing cylinders and other components. Segmented heads allow each cylinder to be removed independently without completely disassembling the machine.
Other features include 5 1!2″ (139.7mm) glass viewing ports in the heads to aid in adjusting brushes, grids, control bars and doffer cylinders. Two full width rectangular windows on front of the feeder allow viewing the flow of seed cotton.
Technical Specifications
Extractor-Feeder Motor :
(not included with machine) 25 hp, or from Gin Saw Shaft
Feed Motor
3/4 hp
Gear Reducer
30:1 Ratio
Four Saw Cylinders
16″ ½” 00 (419.1mm),119 1/2” long (3035mm)
Two Doffing Cylinders
11 5/8″ (295.3mm) 00, 119 1/2″ long (3035mm)
Two Feed Cylinders
6 Vanes 5 3/4″ (146mm) 0D, 119 ½” long (3035mm)
Four Spiked Cylinders
11″ (279mm) 00, 119 ½” Long (3035mm)
Motion Detector
(LS-1) 3/16″ (4.76mm) sensing distance, LED, 9 sec. start up delay
Length :
(3048 mm) 120 in.
End of Shafts
(3711 mm) 146 1/8 in.
Overall (with covers)
(4273 mm) 168 1/4 in.
(5443 kg) 12,000 lb.
Width : Front to Back
Rear Doors Closed
(2426 mm) 95 1/2″
2425 mm) 95 ½ in. rear doors closed
All Capacities are subject to cotton varieties, conditions and personnel All designs, specifications and ratings are subject to change without notice.