
Whether it’s their proven durability, sturdiness, ability to enhance performance or value for money, Bajaj-CEC parts & equipment have proven time & again their worth both in Domestic and International markets, thus maintaining and even surpassing the quality and performance of Continental parts & equipment.

Here are a few feedbacks from our Domestic as well as International Customers that substantiates our quality and performance –

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tst-1-big tst-2-big tst-3-big tst-4-big
Bajaj-CEC 9300 Press
Flower Grove Co-op Gin,
Texas, USA
Bajaj-CEC EagleMax Series 201 Saw Gin
Glasscock County Co-op
Texas, USA
Marlan’s Cotton Industries SA
Cotonou, Benin
Cotonou, Benin
tst-5-big tst-6-big tst-7-big
Bajaj-CEC EagleMax Series 201 Saw Gin & 9120 Feeder
Violar S.A.
Continental Eagle Pty. Ltd.
Narrabri, Australia
Sunshine Agriculture Ltd.